It was a few years ago that I began writing stories about the blankets that were given out to patients at some of the hospitals where I worked as a chaplain. The stories these blankets generated sat on my computer for quite some time until I realized that they needed to be shared. When writing a book, one always asks: Who is my audience? This was a very easy question to answer when I realized that those who made these donated blankets seldom, if ever, knew what happened to them.
It became my dream to put these stories together in a book to share, first of all, with those who created and donated these works of art. I hope to give them away at a reduced rate so that I can share them with as many creators as possible. In order to do this, I realized that I to do a bit of fundraising since they will be self-published.
I am letting you know of this need and hope that you will share my dream by giving what you can to make this desire a reality. Please go to the "Support" button on my website to make a donation. Thank you!